Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Challenges of Servanthood

"We are not called to help people.  We are called to follow Jesus, in whose service we learn who we are and how we are to help and be helped."                                    
--Stanley Haurwas and William Willimon
As I've talked about a whole lot, I'm going to China soon.  In 26 days to be exact!  Before we go, we are supposed to read a book called Cross-Cultural Servanthood.  I started a few days ago and, wow... talk about impactful.  And convicting.  Basically, the whole book is about better understanding what sevanthood involves and how to practically apply it in other cultures.  The author talks about the fact that missionaries overseas are so often viewed as having attitudes of superiority, usually as a result of simple ignorance about the new culture they have been immersed in.  He tells a humorous, yet sad story about a monkey and a fish to illustrate his point.
"A typhoon had temporarily stranded a monkey on an island.  In a secure, protected place on the shore, while waiting for the raging waters to recede, he spotted a fish swimming against the current.  It seemed obvious to the monkey that the fish was struggling and in need of assistance.  Being of kind heart, the monkey resolved to help the fish.  A tree precariously dangled over the very spot where the fish seemed to be struggling.  At considerable risk to himself, the monkey moved far out on a limb, reached down and snatched the fish from the threatening waters.  Immdiately scurrying back to the safety of his shelter, he carefully laid the fish on dry ground.  For a few moments the fish showed excitement, but soon settled into a peaceful rest. Joy and satisfction swelled inside the monkey.  He had successfully helped another creature."
I loved this story because, although I've never left the country, it seemed to me a perfect analogy of those of us who are quick to call ourselves "servants" when we really have no understanding of the need.
As I prepare to leave for China, I feel like I'm becoming more and more aware of those things about the Chinese culture that I will have a hard time understanding. Why do people in other cultures have such a loose sense of time?  I love and respect punctuality.  I know it will be a challenge for me to have the attitude of a servant when people are late/don't show up/aren't concerned about timelines.  One aspect of Chinese culture that I think  will enjoy is that the Chinese aren't big on touching.  Neither am I, so this might work out perfectly!
 I'm sure I will learn many more cultural differences once I actually get to China :)
Anyway, I'm only about half way through the book, but so far I would highly recommend it to anyone, whether or not you have plans of leaving America.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Peace and Blessings

It's officiall, y'all.  I'm a senior in college!  How weird is that? I feel like it was just yesterday that I cried because I failed my first driving test.  (Don't worry, I passed the second one with flying colors).  I'm not sure I like feeling like such a grown-up, but I am pretty excited for summer.  Last week was a combination of busy-ness and bittersweet-ness.  I said goodbye to several friends that I won't see for a few months and moved all of my earthly belongings out of 315.  Sometimes I'm not good with seeing great things come to an end, but it was hard for me to be too sad because I know that I'll soon return and so will my friends.  As easy as it is to think that the summer will move by slowly, I know from experience that that simply won't be the case.  In a few short days I'll be moving back to Fayetteville to brave biochem, get ready for Celestey's wedding, and take on anything else that comes my way.  On June 30th, I will go to class, take my final, drive to Tulsa, fly to San Francisco, and then fly to Hong Kong.  I CAN'T WAIT.  Also, next Monday I'll find out my location for the summer.  I'm super excited about that for several reasons:
1. I'll be able to do some research and learn abut where I'll be staying for 4 weeks.
2. I'll find out more details about traveling, my living situation, etc.
3. I can begin learning how to pronounce where ever it is I'll be living.
4.  I'll find out who's on my team and start getting to know them.
5. All of this might begin to seem more real to me.  Right now I feel like I'm doing a lot of preparing, but actually going to China seems a little surreal. 
Needless to say, I'm extremely excited about the news I'll get on Monday!
I've been at home since Saturday, and it has been a great experience so far.  One thing I really appreciate about Bville is that it's such a calm and laid-back place to come home to.  Fayetteville is so dear to me, but being at home is definitely a change of pace.  You know how some people don't mind being alone/kind of prefer it?  And they in a way thrive off of having some time to themselves?  Well I'm generally not one of those people.  Ever since I can remember, I've made it a point to be around people and be busy pretty much all the time.  Sometimes this is great, because I have plenty of time to hang out, build relationships, and be productive.  Other times, it can be tiring because I have a hard time giving myself a chance to rest.  When I come home to Bartlesville, though, being around people all the time isn't an option.  Being home in a way forces me to take time to myself and just think.  I'll admit I'm not much of a thinker.  I like to get things done and feel good about doing them.  But over the past few days, I've had some time to just hang out on my back porch and read/journal/just sit/whatever.  And I must say, I've enjoyed it a lot.  My back yard is full of trees.  In the winter, you can see for what seems like forever, but in the summer the foliage is so thick that you can barely see past our back fence.  It's such a peaceful place to sit and feel like you're the only person for miles.  I'll only be in Bville for a few more days, so I plan on taking full advantage of my time here, before the craziness of summer really begins.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Time

Well.  It's been quite a while.  I guess I just haven't been in the blogging mood, but for some reason I am today.  Maybe it's because I'm at the desk on Easter and have nothing else more interesting to do.  More likely though, it's the pouring rain and clouds outside.  In fact, I don't think I can remember what the sun looks like.  Being from Oklahoma I feel like I've experienced some pretty intense/rainy springs, but this one has been especially rainy/stormy/cloudy.  Sometimes I wish I was one of those people who enjoyed rain.  I used to try and pretend that I liked it, but the truth is I just really don't.  If I want to get wet, I'll get in the shower or go swimming, but thanks anyway, weather.  There are many benefits to sunny weather, but I'll list my T5.
5. You don't have to mess with the rain jacket, umbrella, rain boots, frizzy hair, and soggy backpack when walking around campus.  On a nice sunny day, you can throw on jeans, a t-shirt, and chacos and be good to go.
4. Sunlight striking the skin synthesizes Vitamin D.  Nobody likes rickets and osteoporosis, right?
3. Tanning.  We all love to have a little bit of a natural glow.  Expecially when it proves we wear chacos.
2. You can sit outside and enjoy the nice weather.  You can go for walks or runs, hang out at starbucks or Wilson park, play sand volleyball, etc., etc., etc.
1. Sunny skies = good mood.  I still can't believe that some people are in a better mood when it's dreary.  That makes zero sense to me, but to each his own, I suppose.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


It's official.  I'm 21.  And I must say, so far it's been wonderful.  On my actual b-day, I got to hang out with some great friends and eat wonderful food.  I felt like every time I went back to my room, another friend had left a precious gift.  That night, we went to Panera and Barnetts - some of my favorite places evereverever.  Yesterday was my sweet friend Kelsey Hudgen's birthday.  Friday night we had a semi-surprise party for her.  Kel and I made a cake, and we didn't even ruin it in the process. 
The half-marathon training is still a work in progress.  The most we've run so far is 8 miles, and that was not pretty.  I really don't know how everything's going to go on the actual day of the race.  Guess we'll wait and see!
I should be studying right now.  Tomorrow I have 2 tests, one of which is in organic.  I really don't understand half of what we've talked about in there.  But hey, i've got a good 12 hours left to study, right?  Speaking of studying...I can't wait to forget that it exists next week during SPRING BREAK!  It's officially me, Kels, Kel, Jules, and Kaitlyn Osborne.  We'll be hitting up Conway to see the wonderful Abbey Eckert, Memphis, Savannah, and Charleston.  I'm soososososooo excited.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Snow Days at Their Finest

More. Snow. 
If you didn't hear, Fayetteville got about 2 feet of snow last week.  Crazyyyyyy.  They said on the news that in 4 hours, we got 3 years worth of snow!  I also heard that if we miss 3 more days of class, it's considered a national disaster and we get tuition money back!  How sweet would that be?  I'm not getting my hopes up know how these things go.  Belle (my car) hasn't moved in 13 days.  I've probably done at least a couple of months worth of sleeping in, brough-eating, and movie-watching in the last 2 weeks.  It really has been relaxing to get a break from school and spend some qt with friends.  However, I probably couldn't be more excited about the weather this week.  It's supposed to be in the 60s almost every day!  PTL for chacos and starbucks.
On Friday, I got to spend some time with my wonderful friend Randa.  I miss living with her.  We went to the mall, almost broke some bones slipping on the ice, almost got into a wreck, made the traditional stop at TB, and went through her closet at her apartment.  It was definitely a Friday night well spent.
Yesterday, Kel and I took a road trip to VB.  We stopped at A to Z in Alma, as well.  A to Z is like nothing I've ever experienced before.  I can't really even explain what it is. Here's a pic:

  Anyway, we went into the Sporting Goods one and it's basically the redneck version of Bass Pro.  There was this sketchy waterfall thing with the nastiest fish I've ever seen in it.  I'm pretty sure they were growing mold.  We also visited some sweet shops in downtown VB.  I got a really awesome book about Hong Kong.  It has some pretty legit pictures and I'm sure it'll be a great read as well.  Then, we went to good old Chili's with Kel's dad.  Man, he's great.
EXCITING NEWS ALERT!  We're for real going to Savannah for Spring Break!  So basically, a life goal of mine will be fulfilled in just a couple short months.  We'll also be hanging out in Charleston, SC on the trip.  I just love love love old south things.  I can't wait to road trip, see the mossy oaks, eat at Paula Deen's restaurant, and who knows what else.  About 10 other friends will be along for the ride, so I'm pretty positive it will be epic.
Also, this week I got a package with my t-shirt for this summer, support envelopes, and a bunch of other stuff.  I don't think it's actually hit me that I'm going to be in China this summer.  Weird!  I think one of the parts that makes me so nervous and excited at the same time is the fact that I don't know a single person that I'll be spending my summer with.  Sometimes I just really like not knowing anyone or knowing what to expect.  Kind of like I decided to come to U of A even though I was clueless, and look how that turned out! I was definitely nervous the first few weeks of my freshman year though. Of course I'm positive that God will again provide this summer, but it's still a little scary to think about.
I feel like I just vomited all kinds of information everywhere.  But that's all :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Days, Half Marathons, Greatness, etc.,etc.,etc.

I feel like I've slacked a little bit lately.  Oops.  Here's what's been going on:
Snow days:  We've had 4 so far this semester.  And it's only the 3rd week of class.  The first one was 2 days after class started!  The last 3 have been pretty great.  My days have been full of movie-watching, bursts of productivity, running (more on that later), piano-playing, and sleepovers.  As great as the snow days have been, I'm actually not too sad about going to class tomorrow.  I think I thrive off of schedules.  Actually I know I do.  One downside to the snow, however: I didn't get to go to Michigan to see my sister and brother-in-law.  The weather in Tulsa and Detroit was awful, and my flight got cancelled :(  Luckily, they're letting me either re-schedule or get a refund.  I'm hoping to still be able to go, but we'll see what unfolds.  Also luckily, my great friend Kel turned my room into Michigan.  By that, I mean she made cotton ball snow, a Michigan State emblem, and a drawing of Mallory and Dave.  What a pal.
Half Marathons:  We're still training.  It's still hard.  I'm shocked there haven't been more injuries from climbing up and down the icy hill between Humphreys and the HPER.  We're less than 2 months from the big day.  Continue to wish us luck.
Greatness:  One of the biggest blessings of the semester so far has been the incredible stuff going on in KD.  We started d-groups this semester  and there are 5 groups of girls, with a total of 23 all together.  If you had told me this time last year that 23 girls would be involved in a committed Bible study, I might have laughed in your face.  All this is just such a great reminder that God is so, so faithful.  I don't know why I'm still surprised when he delivers. 
Etc: I gave blood today.  Saved 3 lives AND didn't pass out.  I was pretty proud.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Weird.  That's all I have to say about that.
How adorable is this?  This lady hand makes all kinds of dresses and sells them on etsy.  I wish I could make cool clothes.  One of the items on my dream list is to make a wearable outfit, if you didn't know that :)

Today has been very productive.  I've read a lot, cleaned my room, been to a meeting, etc.  Now I'm sitting at the desk and I feel like I might go insane.  Do you ever just randomly get super stir crazy?  Because I do. 
However, I'm looking forward to Stonemill leftovers for dinner and running with the girlies.  Did I mention I'm pseudo-training for a half marathon?  By that, I mean I would love to be able to run 13 miles by April, but it's probably not going to happen.  So, I'm just planning on running as much of it as possible.  Wish me luck.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wondeful Fayetteville

I arrived back in Fay on Tuesday, and so far it has proved to be just as wonderful as I imagined.  Friends, relaxing, no studying, qt, the quad.  How much better could it get?  Classes start Tuesday and I am feeling very unprepared.  I'm afraid I might forget to go to class.

Also, I'ved discovered a website that I really love.  Check it out.  It's just a bunch of really cool handmade stuff.  Cute clothes, cool furniture, etc. 

OH.  I'm going to China.  This summer.  I. am. so. excited.  I just started filling out my passport application.

Also, I'm in the process of filling out an accident report.  Kel and I were part of a minor mishap last night.  Don't worry, we're both fine.  However, accident reports =annoying. 

I feel like this post has been very ADD.  I'm currently hanging out with Jules and Kel.  I've had some qt with Celeste, Randa, and Roomie, and Kels and SJ will be here soon.  Beat that.