Thursday, May 19, 2011

Peace and Blessings

It's officiall, y'all.  I'm a senior in college!  How weird is that? I feel like it was just yesterday that I cried because I failed my first driving test.  (Don't worry, I passed the second one with flying colors).  I'm not sure I like feeling like such a grown-up, but I am pretty excited for summer.  Last week was a combination of busy-ness and bittersweet-ness.  I said goodbye to several friends that I won't see for a few months and moved all of my earthly belongings out of 315.  Sometimes I'm not good with seeing great things come to an end, but it was hard for me to be too sad because I know that I'll soon return and so will my friends.  As easy as it is to think that the summer will move by slowly, I know from experience that that simply won't be the case.  In a few short days I'll be moving back to Fayetteville to brave biochem, get ready for Celestey's wedding, and take on anything else that comes my way.  On June 30th, I will go to class, take my final, drive to Tulsa, fly to San Francisco, and then fly to Hong Kong.  I CAN'T WAIT.  Also, next Monday I'll find out my location for the summer.  I'm super excited about that for several reasons:
1. I'll be able to do some research and learn abut where I'll be staying for 4 weeks.
2. I'll find out more details about traveling, my living situation, etc.
3. I can begin learning how to pronounce where ever it is I'll be living.
4.  I'll find out who's on my team and start getting to know them.
5. All of this might begin to seem more real to me.  Right now I feel like I'm doing a lot of preparing, but actually going to China seems a little surreal. 
Needless to say, I'm extremely excited about the news I'll get on Monday!
I've been at home since Saturday, and it has been a great experience so far.  One thing I really appreciate about Bville is that it's such a calm and laid-back place to come home to.  Fayetteville is so dear to me, but being at home is definitely a change of pace.  You know how some people don't mind being alone/kind of prefer it?  And they in a way thrive off of having some time to themselves?  Well I'm generally not one of those people.  Ever since I can remember, I've made it a point to be around people and be busy pretty much all the time.  Sometimes this is great, because I have plenty of time to hang out, build relationships, and be productive.  Other times, it can be tiring because I have a hard time giving myself a chance to rest.  When I come home to Bartlesville, though, being around people all the time isn't an option.  Being home in a way forces me to take time to myself and just think.  I'll admit I'm not much of a thinker.  I like to get things done and feel good about doing them.  But over the past few days, I've had some time to just hang out on my back porch and read/journal/just sit/whatever.  And I must say, I've enjoyed it a lot.  My back yard is full of trees.  In the winter, you can see for what seems like forever, but in the summer the foliage is so thick that you can barely see past our back fence.  It's such a peaceful place to sit and feel like you're the only person for miles.  I'll only be in Bville for a few more days, so I plan on taking full advantage of my time here, before the craziness of summer really begins.

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