Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Days, Half Marathons, Greatness, etc.,etc.,etc.

I feel like I've slacked a little bit lately.  Oops.  Here's what's been going on:
Snow days:  We've had 4 so far this semester.  And it's only the 3rd week of class.  The first one was 2 days after class started!  The last 3 have been pretty great.  My days have been full of movie-watching, bursts of productivity, running (more on that later), piano-playing, and sleepovers.  As great as the snow days have been, I'm actually not too sad about going to class tomorrow.  I think I thrive off of schedules.  Actually I know I do.  One downside to the snow, however: I didn't get to go to Michigan to see my sister and brother-in-law.  The weather in Tulsa and Detroit was awful, and my flight got cancelled :(  Luckily, they're letting me either re-schedule or get a refund.  I'm hoping to still be able to go, but we'll see what unfolds.  Also luckily, my great friend Kel turned my room into Michigan.  By that, I mean she made cotton ball snow, a Michigan State emblem, and a drawing of Mallory and Dave.  What a pal.
Half Marathons:  We're still training.  It's still hard.  I'm shocked there haven't been more injuries from climbing up and down the icy hill between Humphreys and the HPER.  We're less than 2 months from the big day.  Continue to wish us luck.
Greatness:  One of the biggest blessings of the semester so far has been the incredible stuff going on in KD.  We started d-groups this semester  and there are 5 groups of girls, with a total of 23 all together.  If you had told me this time last year that 23 girls would be involved in a committed Bible study, I might have laughed in your face.  All this is just such a great reminder that God is so, so faithful.  I don't know why I'm still surprised when he delivers. 
Etc: I gave blood today.  Saved 3 lives AND didn't pass out.  I was pretty proud.

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