Well, it's Christmas break. Yes. I managed to make it through finals with my sanity in tact and I am now residing in Bville until January 11th. It's WEIRD how normal everything seems already. And by normal, I mean high school. However, I've been able to spend some qt with my parents and sleep a lot, which has been great! Here's a run-down of what I've been doing with the last 48 hours of my life.
-I got home Wednesday night and my mom had an excellent meal waiting for me (of course). We stayed up pretty late talking and then I sat in our basement and watched the Cosby Show. Yes I did.
-Thursday I ate lunch with my dad and went Christmas shopping at the mall with my mom. Then we made this awesome caramel popcorn stuff. It's addictive. I also listened to approximately 9 hours of Christmas music. That night, I was soooo tired, so I went to bed at 10:30 and slept for 12 hours.
-Today, I started reading 30 Days to Understanding the Bible. It's great so far! I also did the Shred with my mom. If you'd like Jillian Michaels to kick your butt in 20 minutes, you should try it out. We also went shopping at Walmart and, bonus, I didn't see anyone I was specifically trying to avoid! Tonight I babysat for my old friend Cal. I hadn't seen him since May, so it was so fun to get to hang out with him. With Cal, you can go months without seeing him and when you come back it's like no time has passed for him. It's wonderful and tragic at the same time. I love Cal so much because despite all of his ups and downs (and believe me, there are plenty), he puts it all aside at the end of the day and loves everybody he comes into contact with. As much as he drives me nuts sometimes, he has definitely changed my life for the better. If nothing else, I always have great stories to tell after babysitting him! He's just great.
Countdown for the rest of the break:
-2 days until my sister and brother-in-law come into town! I can't wait.
-7 days until Christmas. Woooooooo!
-15 days until SMC. Also can't wait for that.
-18 days until the girls come to Bville. It's going to be epic.
-24 days until Fay.
I think I miss my friends.
even though i already told you... i love this. and you. the end.