That's right. Tomorrow is the annual "Rachel helps dad shop for mom" shopping trip. What does this mean? I'll tell you. It means that my dad still is still completely oblivious to anything my mom might potentially want for Christmas. Luckily, for the past couple of years, I've forced my mother into making a Christmas list that is at least 5 items long. This has drastically cut down on strange and unwanted gifts given to her by multiple people. However, shopping with my dad isn't like normal shopping. This is how the day will probably go:
Dad: "So. Uhhhh. Where do you think we should go?"
Me: "Well, the mall would probably be a good start."
Dad: "Okay, good idea. So do you know what she wants?"
Me: "I think so. I'll just show it to you when we get there."
(Once we get to the store...)
Me: "This is it. That's what she wants."
Dad: "That's what she wants? Are you sure?"
Me: "Yes dad. I'm sure. Do you want to pick out the color?"
Dad: "Yeah. How about that pink one with that black thing?"
Me: "Mom doesn't really like pink."
Dad: "Oh. You just pick something out then."
And this is how the day will go. The good news? It only happens once a year! So after tomorrow I've got 364 shopless days to look forward to.
Also, Mallory and Dave made it to Bartlesville the other night. We promptly ate dinner and went to Woolaroc. Sounds great, I know. Basically it's Frank Phillips' vacation house-turned-museum and they decorate it for Christmas. Today I went to Taco Bueno, Lowe's, and the post office with my mom and sister while the boys golfed. Weirdos.
I also had some great convos via text today with Nat, Lurban, and Kel. All in all, I'd say it was a successful day!
sounds about how shopping with my dad goes. ohhh fathers.... :)