Well. It's been quite a while. I guess I just haven't been in the blogging mood, but for some reason I am today. Maybe it's because I'm at the desk on Easter and have nothing else more interesting to do. More likely though, it's the pouring rain and clouds outside. In fact, I don't think I can remember what the sun looks like. Being from Oklahoma I feel like I've experienced some pretty intense/rainy springs, but this one has been especially rainy/stormy/cloudy. Sometimes I wish I was one of those people who enjoyed rain. I used to try and pretend that I liked it, but the truth is I just really don't. If I want to get wet, I'll get in the shower or go swimming, but thanks anyway, weather. There are many benefits to sunny weather, but I'll list my T5.
5. You don't have to mess with the rain jacket, umbrella, rain boots, frizzy hair, and soggy backpack when walking around campus. On a nice sunny day, you can throw on jeans, a t-shirt, and chacos and be good to go.
4. Sunlight striking the skin synthesizes Vitamin D. Nobody likes rickets and osteoporosis, right?
3. Tanning. We all love to have a little bit of a natural glow. Expecially when it proves we wear chacos.
2. You can sit outside and enjoy the nice weather. You can go for walks or runs, hang out at starbucks or Wilson park, play sand volleyball, etc., etc., etc.
1. Sunny skies = good mood. I still can't believe that some people are in a better mood when it's dreary. That makes zero sense to me, but to each his own, I suppose.